Friday, January 25, 2008

Honorable Mentchen

The Rebbe told us that Moshaich is already here. Then the Rebbe told us what that means:If we act like Moshiach is here, then we are perfect human beings - we learn Torah, we do Mitzvos, we have Ahavas Yisroel. And when we do that, we have Moshaich.

So technically we have a choice: We can behave as though Moshiach is here, and be as good as we can be. Or we can say, since Moshiach is already here, I can do whatever I want!

But we don't really have the second option, because we are mentchen! And a mentch doesn't do that.

IMHO, the same works with the People to People Connection, interacting with fellow human beings. If someone believes something good about you, you should be good. Take trustworthiness. If someone trusts you, absolute trust, then technically you have two options: lie all you want, because he'll never know. You're safe. Or, be trustworthy and be honest because that's what people believe of you.

But we don't really have the first option, because we are mentchen, and a mentch doesn't do that. A mentch is honest.

What do you think?

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