Thursday, December 20, 2007


R' Chaim Gutnick, of Melbourne, asked (begged) the Rebbe to be mesader kidushin at his daughter's chuppah, (Mrs. Penina Feldman, in 5727) which took place after the Rebbe officially stopped (5723). When he kept on "insisting", the Rebbe in reply told him: "Et tu, Brute?!"

(The Rebbe ended up sending R' Eliyahu Simpson to attend the wedding (in Australia)).

See? Neat!


The Grobbe Behaime said...

please enlighten us what does e ttu brute???? mean

Mottel said...

So when the Roman leader (Caesar?) was being attacked by his enemies, one of his friends, Brutus, was part of the rebellion. When he saw that he said "Et tu, Brute?", meaning "even you're in on this?!" So now it's used to imply rebellion, being a traitor, etc.

I think.